A Site for Col to Share his ideas
Hi. I am a Science teacher at Dubbo School of Distance Education. I often want to share what I have created. So, I can start sharing a few here. I have now moved my other weird ideas to my blog:
I was a Project Officer for Laptops in Science for Western Region. My creations related to the use of laptops in Science can be found on my pages for the DER Laptops in Science.
I really enjoy using Moodle for teaching. So I developed my eLearning (Moodle) site for demonstrating, experimenting and simply hosting lessons material. Unfortunately the site kept on being hacked, so it will remain down until I can be certain that it is safe.
Assorted files for my year 9 students
A few ideas about using Audacity in an educational context, (and podcasting).
Some old notes on Building websites using Kompozer (which is a free web-page editor).
- The Sunday school use puzzles that are found on the Sunday School puzzle page
My movies are usually shared on my YouTube Channel though I also keep a few here for showing in limited circumstances.
At this stage, I am sharing my pictures on Picassa.
Other sites I am involved in editing are the sermons pages for Dubbo Presbyterian Churches, and the Teachers' Christian Fellowship of NSW.